Don't forget to change your clocks
It's that time of year again and the added hour in bed is little consolation for the harsh reality that winter is well and truly setting in. As the clocks fall back an hour tomorrow morning at 3am, the shorted day light hours are creeping up on us.
With much discussion in Spain over the years about abolishing the time change, many had hoped that this would be the last time the change is made but this has been the case for the last two years now.
In 2018, the President of the EU Commission announced his plan to abolish the changing of the clocks, after conducting an online survey which showed Europeans were in favour of remaining in "summer time" permanently - this however has now been put back to 2021 to allow for decisions to be made about what time zone Europe decides to stick in.
Depending on the above decision, the last time change could potentially take place next March or next October... Watch this space and in the mean time, enjoy your extra hour in bed and don't forget to change your clocks before you go to bed!
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