Covid 19 Pt 5 - The return to school but not as we know it

     Qué es el nuevo coronavirus o la COVID-19 y cómo se contagia

For the majority of teachers, parents and children, tonight is the first school night in around 6 months and as they prepare for their first day back in the classroom their anticipation and anxiety is growing more than usual.

With the majority of schools ready to accept children back to the classroom, a lot of planning, restructuring and measure have had to be introduced to make this happen.

With the anticipation running as high with the teachers as the parents, a major blow was dealt to them all yesterday as Lorca, Totana and Lorqui were added to the list (along with Jamilla & Archivell in Caravaca de la Cruz) as schools who will be unable to open and will continue with home studies through online learning resources. 

As the others set to open, restrictive measures and regulations have been implemented and emergency plans put into place, should a contagion within or connected to a school be suspected. 

As children return, some of the measures and guidelines adopted include the following...

  • 1.5 meter distancing must be maintained by everyone within an educational establishment
  • Masks will be mandatory for children over 6, apart from in the existence of a legal exemption
  • All educational establishments will have a dedicated member of staff responsible for all process and communications Covid related
  • A regional health and education group will be in place, across all areas
  • Coexistence groups have been set up for grades 1-4 and preschool allowing no more than 20 children
  • Activities that could jeopardize the coexistence groups or 1.5 distancing will not be permitted
  • Any events, sporting or celebration will be held behind closed doors
  • Each class group will be allocated one teacher and other teachers and specials subject teachers will have to teach these groups through video conferencing, electronic white boards or other forms of remote technology
  • Parent communications will be conducted by phone and electronically where ever possible
  • General hygiene measures will be adhered to and hygiene education implemented
  • Dining in coexistence groups will be allowed but 1.5 meter distance must be obeyed outside of that
  • Teachers and students will have their temperature taken at the start of the day and anyone displaying any symptoms must remain at home

In the event of teachers having to self isolate, the Ministry of Education and Culture has hiring 700 additional teachers to act as a reinforcement and try to maintain the educational programme as efficiently as possible.

One of the most worrying things surrounding the topic of children returning to school however, is child care in the event pupils need to quarantine.  The impact this situation has on the children themselves, parents and employers is a highly scary one. With parents worrying over being able to manage the family finances, should time off be required, employers are unable to pay a member of staff who is absent due to the lack of childcare and with no government assistance in the scenario it is clear to see the worries from all angles.

In the event a child tests positive and the parent either has to have time off to quarantine because of this or they themselves test positive they will be entitled to paid leave from work. That said, this is such a fluid situation and with changes happening hourly, there is every chance that even from the time of writing to posting this blog that my research may already be outdated!

With all of the above in mind I really hope the children settle back into school, the parents keep working and everyone stays healthy. In my heart of hearts though I think the power of online learning will continue to be utilised in pockets and periodically and we will be seeing this ever changing scenario play out before us for quite some time to come .

Good luck all you parents, teachers and student, stay safe! 

Un Saludo

Chica de Mazarrón xx

For the most up to date guideline in your region always check with your schools and local authorities



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