The Vista Bar - the end of an era

Last Night Vista Sunset

This weekend marked the end of an era, not only for the bar itself but for Audrey, her awesome team, the customers and the acts that perform there and made it such a fun place to be. 

After 3 years of blood, sweat, tears and way too many hangovers to count, Audrey has finally served her last Vista Fish & Chips, called her final last orders and performed her last Vista Coyote bar dance 💃😢

I for one, and I know all her customers over the years, would like to wish Audrey, Gary, Jayne and Julie all the luck moving forwards and I can't wait to see where you guys crop up and what you all go on to achieve next.

Keep an eye out here for the next instalment.... I will track these wonderful people down and I look forward to writing about them all again in the future. 

Good luck Team Vista of 2020, see you on the other side 😘 

Un saludo 
Chica de Mazarrón xx


  1. Well done for what you achieved with La Vista ....All the best Audrey xxxxx


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